Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hamlet prediscussion questions

1. Is revenge sometimes the right approach in dealing with someone that has wronged you? Why or why not?
I feel that revenge is a way for people to vent their feelings if they have been wronged. I feel that revenge will not fix what has happened or do anything more that just keep the wrongdoing going. On the other hand it is a way to vent and possibly get over and through the problem.

2. Is it better to think before you act or act before you think? Why?
I think that depends on the situation. There are times when you need to just react and not think about what you are doing and then there are times where it requires a lot of time and thought because it could be a life-altering decision.

3. Is there one singular reality, or do each of create our own realities through our perceptions and attitudes?
I think reality and truth are both perceived differently by each single person. I feel that reality is based on personal experiences and what you believe to be true. It is also to an extent based on what your morals are because that is how you live your life and obviously how you live your life you are going to believe is reality and truth.

4. What are the qualities of a good friendship? Is it ever okay to spy on a friend if you are concerned about them?
I feel that trust, dependability and honesty are three of the biggest foundations of a friendship. I feel that you should look out for the best interests of your friend but spying on them is invading their personal space and I don't think that doing that for the fact of looking out for them is right.

5. Should parents let their children make their own mistakes and let them learn from it, or should they keep a close eye on them?
I think is crucial that kids make their own mistakes and learn from them because the best way to learn is to experience those times and mistakes. I think parents should watch out for their kids and make sure they are on the right path but as for the mistakes, I feel that to experience them is the best way to learn from them.

6. Should children always be supportive of parents if they decide to remarry after their spouse’s death or divorce?
I think that it would be hard for a child to accept someone else as their father or mother if thats not who they grew up with or if its not what they want. I think that its up to the child about how they feel with it and what they do and if they accept it. I also feel that its the parents choice if they want to remarry or not, but I think that the child should have his or her own opinion about it.

7. Is there ever a time when grieving process goes too far?
I don't think you can mourn or grieve a death or a loss for too long. To a point you will always grieve a great loss like losing your mother or father because as you go through life you will always want them and have a need for them and miss them. Over little insignificant things though yes I believe that someone can grieve and mourn for too long.

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