Thursday, November 20, 2008

Matrix questions #2

1. The character of Cypher makes a decision that returning to the Matrix and living in its alternative reality instead of being fully conscious of the reality. This goes against the decision made by the released prisoner from the Cave. Why do you think Cypher decided to go back to the Matrix instead of living fully aware? Is his reasoning valid? Is ignorance bliss? Why?

I think Cypher decided to go back to the alternate reality because his will to fight for control of the real world back was weak and he was easily persuaded. I think with his personal feelings he is in the realm of valid reasoning, but he shouldn't of have betrayed the people who fought to give him the chance to see real life. I think that it is up to a persons morals and beliefs as to if ignorance is bliss. If a person can live without knowing the truth and reality then yes to them ignorance is bliss but to other people, people like me, who need and want to know the truth and reality then no ignorance is not bliss.

2. Neo is prophecized to be the one by Morpheus. Does Neo seem to accept this high profile role? What other character from literature you've read seems to be placed in this hero/savior role by others?

Neo I think as the movie goes on is realizing his potential and how me might actually be the one to defeat the machines. I think that Neo is learning and fulfilling that role. Jesus in the bible I feel is paralleled by the matrix and Neo.

3. Humans are described by humans as a disease, imperfect, for a perfected technological program, yet the machine is viewed as the enemy/evil even though its reason and logic is supposed unflawed. What would the world be like if everyone was perfect and logical? What are other examples in movies and books where technology becomes the enemy/evil?

If everything and everyone in the world was perfect the why would we learn? We would never be able to experience failure and learn how to better ourselves and society. Another movie where technology over takes the human race is i-robot.

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