Thursday, November 13, 2008

The cave

1. Summarize what the allegory is about in your own paragraph
This allegory is about coming out what of you have known forever and understanding new things and the way things really work even if they are contradictory to what you feel and have known for all your life. It also shows how someone can be criticized for feeling or understanding certain things if they are against or contradict the normal or the way things are thought to be. Another part to this allegory is learning and understanding new things may have to completely change your understanding of everything.

2. What do you think Socrates is trying to say about the nature of reality/truth?
The nature of reality and truth can sometimes be completely contradictory to each other depending on the circumstances of your upbringing. If you have lived and been taught things are a certain way and they are truths if you come to realize that the reality is that they are not truths and the way things are it will take understanding and time and learning to adapt.

3. How does this allegory relate to the learning process and education in general?
It shows that things will not always be the way you first understand them to be and that truths sometimes take a lot of understanding and comprehending and experience to understand. Things may not become evident instantly to some people just because of their background and how they were raised.

4. Think about our modern day technological society; how does this allegory written thousands of years ago connect to our culture?
It shows that things may not always be as they appear or have appeared to you for as long as you may have lived. You have to experience things to fully comprehend or understand how they work or what the truths are about them. To learn is to experience and try truths and learn about what you don't know already.

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