Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Matrix questions

1. Explain how Neo's experience in and out of the Matrix parallels the Allegory of the Cave. Be specific using examples from each text.

Neo and everyone else in the world it like the four men chained to a wall in the face is we believe what we see. Neo is like the man who got cut free and shown the real world when they brought him in and took him out of the matrix and showed him the real world. At this point in time Neo is still learning and experiencing the real world like the man who got cut free before he will understand completely everything.

2. Morpheus poses the question, "what is real? how do you define real?" We're going to read literature that poses that very question. What tools and indicator do we use to define and describe the world around us? Is reality a definite concept measurable and quantifiable, or is it a fluid concept defined by perceptions? Why?

Usually people perceive real things by what they can feel emotionally or physically, what they can see with their own eyes and what is proven to work and be real. We describe life and reality by what we have determined to be things that can be proven or seen or touched. But, reality I feel is a fluid concept that is defined by peoples perceptions and thoughts and experiences. People feel think things are real because they have been able to experience those ideas and things and have physically encountered it. Other things are just thought to be and accepted as real because they have been proven, but these things may not be reality because as technology advances and we can more in depth experiment with ideas accepted facts can and will be challenged and possibly changed as it has been in the past.

3. The Matrix is part of the science-fiction genre, and while we may not be controlled by technology in the literal sense as The Matrix describes, does our current society in 2008 parallel the the world of The Matrix in certain ways? Has technology actually the lessened the quality of life in some ways? Why or why not?

I feel that technology has advanced our society by leaps and bounds and we wouldn't be where we are not without it. I feel that it has been and intricate part in our lives and very practical and important. On the other hand i don't think we should make everything we do able to be done with technology. I still feel that manual labor and man power is one of the most important parts of a society. So no I don't think technology has lessened the quality of life I actually think that it has vastly improved it but technology can only help and improve to a point.

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