Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hamlet Act 1 blog

1. Pick a passage from Act I of Hamlet. Write it down. Practice citing it (Ham.Act.Scene.Line Numbers). Why did you pick this passage? What do you think it's trying to say?
"Your loves, as mine to you. Farewell.
My father's spirit in arms! All is not well.
I doubt some foul play. Would the night were come.
Till then sit still, my soul. Foul deeds will rise,
Through all the earth o'erwhelm them, to men's eyes." (Hamlet, Act 1 Scene II, 273-277)
I picked this passage because it is a good quote looking into how Hamlet really feels and what he thinks of the situation. It is a good resemblance of what may come of the play and what events will happen. Its trying to say that his revenge and his father's name will be redeemed in time if he just waits now.

2. The ghost in Hamlet plays a crucial role in setting events in motion? Are you a Horatio(skeptic of ghosts) or a Marcellus(believer in ghosts)? Why or why not?
I believe that there are angels which would mean there has to be ghost. I have not seen one ever but I do believe that in the right place at the right time there are spirits and "ghosts". I believe this because i believe in angels and for angels to be true ghosts as well have to be.

3. We get to know characters via a variety of channels: what they do, what they say, what they think, how they're described, and what others say/think about them. Do a character analysis of one of the following characters: Hamlet, Claudius, Horatio, Gertrude Find a specific passage for each of the following.

What They Say/Think:He doesn't believe in the ghost but after he sees it he feels that they should tell Hamlet and be loyal to him.

Passage:"Before my God, I might not this believe
without the sensible and true avouch
of mine own eyes."

What They Do:Horatio tells Hamlet of what he has seen and is loyal to him and believes in letting Hamlet know.

Passage:"Season our admiration for a while
with an attent ear, till I may deliver
Upon the witness of these gentlemen,
This marvel to you."

How They're Described:He is described as a non believer until he witnesses it with his own eyes and he is a loyal person to Hamlet the king's son.

Passage:"Hail to your lordship!"

What Other Characters Say/Think About Them:Hamlet believes Horatio and listens to him. He wants to go see the ghost.

Passsage:"I will watch tonight.
Perchance 'twill walk again." Hamlet

Based on all of the textual evidence, what is your overall opinion about this character?
My opinion of Horatio is that he is a very logical person who is loyal and honest. He doesn't try to keep things from people and is trustworthy and loyal to his king's son.

4. Put yourself in Hamlet's position, what would would do with the news from the ghost? Do you trust the ghost's word or do you need better evidence? Would you tell anyone else what the ghost said to you or would you keep it a secret?
I would believe what the ghost said but I would hold off for a while until the ghost came to me and told me exactly what to do. I wouldn't tell anyone of that happening and would keep it to myself.

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