Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hamlet Act 4 and 5 blog

1. What common event takes place in the lives of Hamelt, Fortinbras, and Laertes? How are the reactions of three similar? How does each cope differently in the the event?
All three of them have their father killed and all want revenge and to react. Hamlet just thinks and doesn't react right away, Fortinbras marches 20,000 troops into Poland to seek revenge and Laertes kills Hamlet in revenge.

2. How do Hamlet's views of death develop from the "To Be or Not To Be" soliloquy in Act III to his answers about the whereabouts of Polonius's body in Act IV to the graveyard in Act V sc i to his finals words in the last scene? What questions about the nature of life and death did the play make you think about?
He goes from thinking it would be better to live in confidence and knowing what your living in that to die and go to the unknown to thinking that there is nothing to live for and it is better to die. It makes me think about what is really important in life and what to live for.

3. Is Hamlet right to admire Fortinbras's actions in Act IV sc iv? Why or why?
Yes I believe so, because he is acting on his feelings and that is what Hamlet wants to do but can't.

4. What role do literal poisons have throughout the play? In a more abstract and metaphorical way, what and who else is 'poisoned' throughout the play?
Literal poisons have a huge impact because in the end that is ultimately how everyone dies. In a metaphorical sense you could say that Hamlet is poisoned throughout the story with everything that happened and also I think Gertrude is also poisoned because after she marries Claudius it ultimately leads to the downfall of the entire play.

5. Does Hamlet redeem himself at the end of the play? Does he deserve a soldier's funeral that Fortinbras gives him?
Yes I think he does because he avenges his fathers death and I also think he deserves the funeral that he gets because he did what he did and it is what Fortinbras would have done.

6. A lot of characters die in the play. Which characters bring their deaths upon themselves and which ones are mere victims of fate? Explain your answers.
I think Claudius, Laertes, Polonius, and Hamlet all bring their death upon themselves because they are all instigators in what happens to them and the main reason for what happened. I think Gertrude is the biggest victim because she drank the poison on accident. Ophelia is also a victim because she is didn't do anything to deserve it

7. Overall, did you like this play? Why or why not?
Yes I did like the play a lot because there was many different levels of plot and it is very well played out and thought out.

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