Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hamlet Act 2 blog

1. Based on what he does during Act II, how would you characterize Polonius?
He is a scheming person who thinks he knows why everything is happening the way it is. He feels like he is in control because he supposedly knows why Hamlet is acting the way he is.

2. During his conversations with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Act II Sc ii, Hamlet describes his perceptions of reality? In your own words, describe Hamlet's worldview? Are you an optimist, pessimist, or a realist? Why?
Hamlet is a pessimist person who views the world as a horribly painful and meaningless place but he remains there because he knows what is in this world and after that he does not know what it like. The fear of the unknown is worse than the world he knows now. Optimist, I feel like I look for the good in things and always find a way to look at things in a bright light.

3. Is Polonius justified in how he plans to use Ophelia to find more about Hamlet?
I think it would be a good idea if Ophelia agreed to the plan and they told her what was going on just because they shouldn't just use her or her feelings like that to find out what they want to know.

4. At this point in the play, do you think Hamlet is really crazy or his he pretending to be insane? How does Hamlet act differently when he's around people and when he's giving soliloquies by himself i.e. end of Act II?
I think that he is rouge in a sense, he is crazy, but with reason and on purpose. He has seen a ghost and the ghost told him to seek revenge. Hamlet acts crazily around people who matter and who he is seeking revenge on and will make an impact on those people too. By himself he is very reflective and rational about his thoughts about what he is trying to do and why.

5. Why do you think Hamlet's so attracted to the theater/acting? Why do you think he uses the play as a way to test his theory? Is Hamlet right be angry at himself for not acting on the ghost's words? Why?
Because he himself is a very good actor. He is also attracted to it because it is something he can control and understands very well. Because he can do it without anyone other than himself and Claudius knowing. I think that he shouldn't be angry with himself because he still has control over the situation and can act on the ghost's words any time he wants to.

6. Are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern wrong for spying on Hamlet? Why or why not? How do you think Hamlet feels after they admit they were sent for by the Queen and King?
I think that they are not wrong because they are trying to help their friend in finding out what is wrong with him. Hamlet probably felt somewhat betrayed but the fact that R&G didn't lie to him and did end up telling Hamlet they were sent by the King and Queen would make him feel like they were really there for him and not for the King and Queen.

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