Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gulliver's Travels

Choose one the world's that Gulliver visits; What social issue(s)/human fault is Swift commenting on through Gulliver's visit to this world? What details from this world bring it out? Is the movie subtle or blatant in how they reveal this? How does the medium of film help to bring out the satire more than just the book could by itself? Did the movie make you think or did you think it was a poor adaptation? Why?

The Land of the Houyhnhnm's the horses show us all of humans flaws from greed and pride to selfishness and inconsideration. We see this from how they view the yahoos. The yahoos are men and women who act as savages and bring forth all the points of human flaws with extreme exaggeration but it is shown to us by the horses because of how they perceive the yahoos which makes Gulliver realize that these are human flaws. The film portrays the yahoos as greasy muddy creatures so we see them as an entire different race but yet when Gulliver gets muddy we see that humans look the exact same way. The movie brought out more real points and showed us visually humans flaws and how we should go about living our lives from learning form the horses.

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