Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Answer the following that reading Candide,

1. Write a summary paragraph of the selection.
This is a story about a young boy who was raised in a fancy and great castle where there was no wrong or wrong doing. He then became love struck by Maedmoiselle Cunegonde and kissed her. Candide was expelled from the castle for this. He then goes on to the Bulgarians and is treated great at first then is put in the army and is thrashed for going on a walk and believing in freedom. During the war he escapes to Holland and is then again criticized for his believes in God and that the pope is not the anti-Christ. At the end of the story he runs into his philosopher from when he was a young boy at the castle, who is now homeless.

2. What philosophical idea is Voltaire satirizing through the work?
He is satirizing the idea that people are ridiculed for their ideas a believes daily, even if what they believe in is right and just. He is also satirizing the idea that everything happens for the best.

3. What are examples of Voltaire satirizing war and government in Candide? What are example of Voltaire satirizing religion in Candide?
He satirizes war by showing that you were looked upon as a hero and the perfect size, and government where the young boy gets 4000 lashes for going on a walk away from their society. He satirizes religion when the man asks him if he believes that the pope is the anti-Christ and when he answers he does not care he is only hungry the man replies that he is not worthy to eat.

4. What is the irony in Pangloss's appearance at the end of the selection?
It is ironic because Candide lives by this man's philosophies and thinks he was right about everything all the time and in the end that man becomes homeless and worse off than Candide.

5. Do you agree with Voltaire's critique of philosophical optimism, or do you think he's too skeptical and bitter toward the idea that everything that happens is for the best? Why or why not?
I think that his critique is good because bad things do happen and are unavoidable. It is a part of life and something everyone has to deal with, but also I do believe that there is a reason for everything and that there is a bigger plan.

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