Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pg 566-570

Answer the following questions from page 566-570.
1. What was the Restoration in British History?
The Restoration began in 1660 when Charles II became king and ended the Protestant Interregnum.

2. How did the political system change through the Restoration and 17th Century?
It became more of a constitutional monarchy. They gave parliament the right to levy taxes, along with other wide-ranging powers.

3. Why is this time also called the Age of Reason/Enlightenment? Give examples of people from this time who contributed to this label.
It is called the Age of reason or Enlightenment because during this time period philosophers, writers and scientists were defining new ways to look at the world they lived in. Sir Isaac Newton revealed an orderly, clockwork universe regulated by rational principles.

4. Define what Neoclassicism is how it was incorporates into the literature during the time. What was this age also called that relates to this concept?
Is reverting back and using literature from ancient Romans and Greeks to emulate. This time period is known as the Neoclassical Literature of the eighteenth century.

5. The Enlightenment/Restoration is divided up into three areas based on people's names. What are they? What characteristics/authors/literary genres is associated with each age?
Age of Dryden, the Age of Pope, and the Age of Johnson. Dryden-began with the restoration of the monarchy and ended with the death of John Dryden, this time period with associated with satirical writing. Pope- was the peak of the neoclassicism writing. Alexander Pope was the big writer of this time period. Johnson- Samuel Johnson was the biggest writer of this age and wrote in neoclassicism ideas that related more to the freer more emotional, more natural style of the Romantics.

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