Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cavalier vs. Puritan

We read literature from two opposing forces, the Puritans and the Cavaliers represented by Milton/Bunyan and Lovelace/Marvel respectively.

1. Describe the worldviews of these groups.
Cavaliers live for today and live to make profit from their lives right now and not for the future, while Puritans live for tomorrow and the after-life, they prepare to go to the life after everything.

2. How do these worldviews contrast with each other?
Cavaliers are more reckless and care about today while Puritans are more reserved and prepare for the future and the after life.

3. Give specific examples from selections we read that represent these worldviews?
Marvel says in his piece that if they do not get married now that something may happen and they may not live to see tomorrow or it happen. In Milton's piece it is mostly about the after life and why things are the way they are there, talking about why Satin is in hell and why God rules heaven.

4. Which worldview do you align yourself with more?
I don't think that i could align myself one way or another because I do live for now but I am also living for my future and am close to God. I take every day for what it is worth and make the most of my opportunities which is more on the cavalier side but then again I plan for my future and look ahead and am thinking about my after life which is the puritan side.

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