Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beowulf argument

Pride was both Beowulf's downfall but also it was what made him as famous as he was. Beowulf was a man who was very boastful and had a lot of pride in himself, like in the book when he was talking of his swimming race with Brecca and he said he easily could have won if not for him having to stop and kill all the monsters of the deep ocean. This shows how prideful and boastful he was, but in reality he had all the reason to be because he actually did save a lot of frentic people's lives and killed a lot of monsters that no one else could have. Beowulf had the strength of 30 men, no one could match that. When he fought with Grendel and won that was another reason for him to be boastful. When he jumped in the lake to travel to the bottom to rid the Dane's of Grendel's mom he was successful, which gave him yet another reason to be boastful and have a lot of pride in himself. He had never been challenged in his life this is also probably the main cause of his downfall with the dragon. When Beowulf was old and past his prime he went to fight the dragon and save his people once more. He had never been beaten or even challenged so why not? In his prideful state though he underestimated the dragon and needed help. When Wiglaf came to his side they together defeated the dragon but Beowulf didn't let Wiglaf fight he just used his sword which led to the dragon killing Beowulf in the end. Yes I believe his pride was his downfall but also it was who he was and what made him him. Beowulf was the greatest fighter/defender in the land, why wouldn't he have been proud and boastful of it. Beowulf's aptitude was far beyond every other warriors of this time and he could back up everything he was boastful about, he was a willful hero of that era.

1 comment:

Brian said...


You develop your ideas and logic very well; You make arguments and give specific examples of them occurring;

--'Beowulf had the strength of 30 men,'- change the comma to a semicolon;

Add a comma after the clauses 'when he fought Grendel and 'won' or 'when he'; nice repetition/parallelism though with sentences beginning with 'when'
There's one 'I believe that' statement you could take out; Why wouldn't he be proud of it.--Change period to question mark;

Grade: 24/25