Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sentences compsing #3

Directions: 1. Combine the following sentences to create a sentences that has the same order of sentences parts of the model. 2. Then write your own imitation of the model.

1. Model: Twisting and punching and kicking, the two boys rolled across the floor.
--Lois Duncan, A Gift of Magic

a. The winning team was laughing and yelling and celebrating.
b. The team cavorted.
c. The cavorting was inside the locker room.

Laughing and yelling and celebrating the winning team cavorted in the locker room.

Own Sentence: Spinning and twirling and blowing, the twister tore up the town.

2. Model: He fell back exhausted, his ankle pounding.
--Raplh Ellison, "Flying Home"

a. She raced fast.
b. She was determined.
c. Her lungs her bursting

She determinedly raced fast, her lungs were busting.

Own Sentence They whooped victoriously, their team won.

3. Model: Alone, Tom looked around the room and knew that he was a stranger here.
--Hal Borland, When the Legends Die

a. Clark was afraid.
b. Clark walked down the alley.
c. Clark hoped something.
d. Clark hoped that he was alone there.

Afraid, Clark walked down the alley and hoped he was alone there.

Own Sentence Determined, The team walked on the field and knew they would win.

4. Model: The room was empty , a silent world of sinks, drain boards, and lock cupboards.
--Frank Bonham, Chief

a. The arena was full.
b. The area was a huge cavern.
c. It was filled with fans.
d. It was filled with bright lights.
e. And it was filled with exciting music.

The arena was full, a huge cavern filled with fans, bright lights, and exciting music.

Own Sentence The stadium was packed, a huge fan club filled with screaming fans, huge signs, and talented players.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Grade : 10/10

Good job combining sentences into one developed one; Your own sentences are also complexly put together. Some don't follow exactly the model with structure but they're close.