Friday, September 26, 2008

Grammar Girl Topic

I learned a lot about punctuation questions. There is a big difference between indirect and direct questions, indirect questions get periods while direct questions get question marks. For example if you said "I wonder why he went to the store." you would use a period because it is an indirect question. Add on questions to the end of sentences also all get question marks. For example say someone said,"How many people will be here? ten people? twenty people? 50 people?" they all get question marks. Tag questions are tags you add on the end of a sentence that make the whole thing a question. Examples of these are: "did you?", "Am I?", and others. With quotations sometimes it is difficult to decide where to put the question mark. If the whole sentence is a question then put it outside the quotations, but if just the quotation is a question you put it inside. Polite requests like "Can you please hand me the salt." actually get a . instead of a ? because it is more of a demand than a question. In an outburst where you don't know weather to use a ? or a ! you have to decide whether its more of a question or an outburst to determine the correct punctuation.

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