Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mcbeth prediscussion

Circle either agree or disagree for each statement. There are no right or wrong answers, and you will not be graded on which one you choose.

Agree/Disagree 1. Our fate is predetermined.

Agree/Disagree 2. It is natural for humans to strive for power.

Agree/Disagree 3. When in power, humans will do anything to maintain it.

Agree/Disagree 4. An accomplice is just as guilty as the person who commits a crime.

Agree/Disagree 5. If you kill, you should be killed in return (“an eye for an eye”).

Choose two of the above questions to discuss in writing. Explain why you chose the answer you did in 3-4 sentences. Please include examples to support your viewpoint. You will be using your explanations in small group and class discussions, so be specific!

1) I think our fate is not predetermined because I feel God determines what our future holds by decisions we make every day. Yes I do feel everything happens for a reason and there is a bigger picture and a plan God sets out for us, but I think it is determined by the decisions we make every day. If you decide to commit a crime God will fitfully change your destiny because of your decisions I believe.

5) I do not think that in all cases it is right to say you should be killed if you kill someone because accidents happen. I think that if you maliciously kill another human being than yes punishment of death may be in your cards but there are cases where we ask people to kill other humans in war and I do not feel that those people should be punished by death! They should be commended for serving their country. Also if a doctor makes a mistake in medicine or cannot cure a patient or has to "pull the plug" so to speak they should not be punished by death! I think "an eye for an eye" is only applicable in certain situations.

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