Friday, October 24, 2008

Opening Adverbs

Practice 2: Unscrambling to Imitate- In the model and the scramblist, identify the opening adverb. Next, unscramble a write out the sentence parts to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify the opening adverb.

Model: Suddenly, Alfred, who had heard the fight from the across the street, attacked from the rear with his favorite weapon, an indoor ball bat.
John Steinbeck, Cannery Row


Afterward, Jasmine, who had read the novel for over two hours, sat up in the bed with her nightly snack, a mini Oreo cookie.

Own Sentence: Before, the team, who had prepared for weeks, opened their football season with a win, over their rivals.

Practice 3: Combining to Imitate

In the model, identify the opening adverb. Next, combine the list of sentences to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify any opening adverbs.

Model: Outside, the doctor's car was surrounded by the boy while Finny was being lifted inside by Phil Latham.
John Knowles, A Separate Peace

Inside, Laura was being tutored by their teacher while younger children were involved with games.

Own Imitation Sentence: Outside, the runners ran with their coach next to the field where the football players practiced.

Practice 4: Imitating
Identify the opening adverbs in the model and then write your own example.

1. Here, relatives swarmed like termites.
--Wallace Stegner, Crossing to Safety

Own Imitation: Before the test, the students crammed like crazy.

2. Slowly, methodically, miserably, she ate the jellied bread.
Toni Morrison, Beloved

Own Imitation: Agonizingly, dreadfully, mournfully, we walked to the funeral.

3. Very slowly and very carefully, Harry got to his feet and set off again as fast as he could without making too much noise, hurrying through the darkness back toward Hogwarts.
--J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Own Imitation: Very throughly and very methodically, the instructor checked over the project , before he finally gave the student an A.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Excellent use of opening adverbs- Grade 10/10