Thursday, August 28, 2008

After examining background information about the Anglo-Saxon period and Old English, write a paragraph comparing and contrasting Anglo-Saxon culture and/or Old English language with the culture you live in today. Are they completely alien of each other or are there interesting similarities?

-I believe that today compared to the Angl0-Saxon period all aspects of everyday life have become easier and more cleanly. I feel with today's advances in technology have helped to improve life expectancy and helped to just improve life all around. Today people still have to work to put food on the table but not in the same sense as in the Anglo-Saxon period. I feel that there still are some similarities too. Then and today people still have to work hard for what they have in most cases. In both cultures we make best with what we have as well.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Good job showing the similarities and differences in the life style of our culture compared to the Anglo-Saxon culture.

Grade: 10/10